Clean Fuel and Storage Tanks for Aviation

Optic Fuel of NC helps public and private airports avoid problems associated with contaminated fuel.

Whether in commercial or private settings, all aviation fuel is prone to microbial contamination which will ultimately shorten the lifespan of fuel storage tanks, and perhaps lead to more serious issues. Professional tank cleaning by Optic Fuel Clean of NC can increase the reliability of machinery and extend the lifespan of storage tanks.

As part of the tank inspection, and potential repair process, the fuel is transferred through our polishing system. Fuel is normally polished through a 1-5 micron bag filter. If entrained water is a potential contaminant, then additional fuel polishing services, such as coalescing filtration are available.

[Note: Entrained water is defined as free water droplets that are suspended in the fuel.]


Optic Fuel Clean Services:

  • Tank Cleaning

  • Tank Repair

  • Fuel Polishing

  • Fuel Tank Replacement

  • Fuel System Design

Optic Fuel Clean’s mission is to ensure the integrity of your tank and the ongoing reliability of your fuel. If you have clogged filters, discolored fuel, or evidence of microbial growth, call Optic Fuel Clean of NC today, and we will restore your fuel to a clean, bright condition.